
Ear Infection

Urgent Care located in West Valley, Yakima, WA

Ear Infection services offered in West Valley, Yakima, WA

Ear infections are prevalent childhood illnesses — over 83% of children have at least one ear infection by the time they’re three years old. At Summitview Urgent Care in Yakima, Washington, the experienced and compassionate team diagnoses and treats ear infections to relieve your symptoms and restore your health. Call the practice or schedule an appointment online today.

Ear Infection Q & A

What is an ear infection?

Ear infections occur in your middle ear when a virus or bacteria causes inflammation and fluid build-up behind the eardrum. Ear infections are most common in children, although you can have an ear infection at any age. 

Ear infections develop when something blocks your eustachian tubes, and fluid can’t drain correctly. Some of the common causes of eustachian tube blockage include:

  • Allergies
  • Upper respiratory infections 
  • Sinusitis
  • Excess mucus
  • Swollen adenoids
  • Air pressure changes

The illness is more common in children because their eustachian tubes are shorter and narrower than adults. 

What are the signs of an ear infection?

Ear infections cause pain and pressure inside the ear, hearing loss, and pus-like drainage. Young children might not be able to verbally explain their symptoms, so look for other cues, including:

  • Increase in crying or fussiness
  • Unexplained fever
  • Tugging or pulling at an ear
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Doesn’t respond to sounds
  • Reduced balance
  • Loss of appetite

You might also develop a fever as their body works to fight off the infection.

When should I get help for an ear infection?

If you have severe ear pain or related symptoms lasting for longer than a day, you should contact Summitview Urgent Care. 

The team of expert medical professionals provides comprehensive exams and testing to diagnose ear infections. They look into your ears, checking for redness, air bubbles, or any pus-like fluid, and for eardrum perforation, building, or collapse. 

How are ear infections treated?

Your provider offers customized treatment for ear infections. They may prescribe medication and ear drops to relieve inflammation and help fight off the infection. Your doctor might also recommend a decongestant or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory to alleviate your child’s symptoms. 

However, if you have frequent or chronic ear infections, your provider may recommend more invasive treatment. Depending on your needs, they might recommend placing tubes in your ears to help with drainage or surgery to remove enlarged adenoids. 

If you or your family members have ear infection symptoms, call the practice or make an appointment online today for expert diagnosis and treatment.